Pasture Pals

These horses are unable to be ridden and will make great companions for other horses. They are handleable and good for vet and farrier.


Year Born: 2007

Gender: Gelding

Skill Level: Intermediate



Year Born: 2010

Gender: Gelding

Skill Level: Beginner

Notes: Jack is a super sweet guy who is best friends with Shamrock. We would love to see them find a home together!


Year Born: 2010

Gender: Gelding

Skill Level: Beginner

Notes: Due to conformation, Shamrock is not a good candidate for riding, however, he is one of the most gentle horses we have ever known and would make a great companion!


Year Born: 2003

Gender: Gelding

Skill Level: Beginner

Notes: Petey is a super easygoing guy. He is very safe to handle but needs to be on a limited diet due to his caloric efficiency.